Has this happened to you? You drive into your favorite city for a night out in the town and need to find parking. The garage parking lots – ugh! Too much money!

So, you spend your time circling the block trying to find a parking spot only to get further and further away from your destination. By the time you finally park your car – you are stressed out, late, frustrated, and plain worn out!
Good news! We’re going to help you.
Park Watch automates this process for you. Simply download our app and get started creating your user profile. It is a one-stop application to navigate on maps to your destination and find convenient, free parking.
Hi 'Moving Mother', love your feedback, thank you! We agree and think this could help solve a urban city parking problem. Sorry for our delayed response. We never got notified of your comment. We are starting a test of the idea with real users in NYC. If interested in participating, please subscribe for early access and we will be sending out an email to you within the next week or so on how to sign up. Thank you! Happy Holidays!
An app that searches, locates, and shares with drivers where they can park for free is amazing, and very much welcomed. I can't begin to tell you how many times, and how long it's taken to find parking and was late for a meeting, a class, or getting together socially. And when I would finally find somewhere to park, it was blocks away and with a meter. Parking garages are not even a consideration. They're just too expensive!